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This is why you should join Food and Travel Guides!

Updated: Feb 9, 2020

This Blog Post is for you who run a Food Blog or Travel Blog - or even better a Food Travel Blog!

Let's be honest here. How hard is it to be seen with thousands upon thousands of blogs out there? The competition is hard! Trust us; we know. Our team at Food and Travel Guides have all run own personal blogs and found it extremely hard in the beginning to make those figures on Google Analytics move at all.

  • How do you reach new blog readers?

  • How can you make your work seen in searches among thousands of quality Food and/ or Travel Blogs?

  • How can you start climbing in the organic search results or in rank?

  • How can you monetize on your blog?

  • How can you increase traffic to your site and grow without investing a huge pile of money?

We asked ourselves those questions and it was the same answer to each and every one of them: Quality Content! And that's why we started Food and Travel Guides on the 1st of July 2018 and are here today.

We are driven by helping Top Bloggers and Writers like you to succeed! We want you to have a reasonable chance of being seen, recognized and get your audience to grow. We want you to find new paths, new collaborations and new friends with us that can help you accomplish dreams and make you reach your own individual goals with blogging.

Our view on things like SEO and our Active Digital Strategy (ADS)

Our mission is to make your dreams visible at any cost - for free! We will not charge you anything at anytime. To join Food and Travel Guides is free forever. How come?

Easily explained; there's no coincidence that Internet is called "the Web" and Google - the supreme Search Engine among Search Engines nickname their algorithm program for "the Spider". The spider crawls the web indexing the millions upon millions of existing sites and new thousands and ones each day - endlessly. What is the spiders favorite food? Quality content. It's as simple as that! It's absolutely no doubt that the Key to success in Google's Business Plan is to show Quality Content!

- "But I write Quality Content; why is my hard work being ignored by Google?"

Ask yourself this; "Is it more likely for me to stand out with quality content alone in this mess of great sites and blogs or together with a bunch of devoted bloggers like me"? We can let that question sink in for a second because this question was the spark that lit our idea with Food and Travel Guides...

Now picture Food and Travel Guides as a web and you will understand why we do this in an instant. If quality content is key - what happens when a site link together with a lot of other sites, bloggers, social media etc writing quality content about the same things we love - food and travel? It will bring content and a lot of quality content. Easy mathematics right there.

Quality Content attracts Readers who will find you with the help of Friends!

Food and Travel Guides will do anything to drive traffic to your site and everyone else's joining, we will encourage you to network together with other members, start co-writing projects, take part in monthly round ups, make guest blogging, share and comment on other bloggers work, do unlimited blog posts on our site with great back links to your own site, write articles and guides etc - and why?

The "Web Buzz" with Quality Content we can build Together can't be ignored - even by a Spider.

Together we can bring an amount of Quality Content it would take years for you to create on your own.

When you contribute on Food and Travel Guides you'll get paid with promotion on our site and all our own channels with backlinks, shoutouts, visibility on all of the major social media and community channels like

Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook etc but also on the not so commonly used platforms like Townske, HYPE, Mix, Medium etc. We have over 20+ accounts spread out - all connecting with Food and Travel Guides and a great springboard for promoting your site!

If you add your own Digital Strategy Plan when it comes to sharing and spreading your work actively to this equation...well, it's not Rocket Science; it will get you more traffic, more readers, more business - if that's your goal - with time.


Guide to Successful Food and Travel Writing Step-by-Step!

And that's why it's free to submit your blog and why you should join our Top Bloggers at Food and Travel Guides! We will try our very best to make sure your invested time pays out!

If all this makes sense to you and you agree with our view of SEO; Register your Blog now!

If you have any doubts, question or need to know more; don't hesitate to Contact Our Team!

We would love to have you onboard! Let's Create, Connect and Explore Together!

Safe Travels - Stay Awesome!

// The Team at Food and Travel Guides

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